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2000 U.S. Mint Condition Commemorative Stamp Year Set
United States #3370/3446. 2000 Commemorative mint year set includes, 3370-72, 3379-90, 3393-3402, 3414-17, 3438-46. 38 varieties, mint never hinged. *Souvenir sheets, regular issues, and booklet singles are not included.
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2001 U.S. Mint Condition Commemorative Stamp Year Set
United States #3500/3548. 2001 Commemorative mint year set includes, 3500-01, 3503-04, 3507-19, 3521, 3523-33, 3536-40, 3545-48. 38 varieties, mint never hinged. *Souvenir sheets, regular issues, and booklet singles are not included.
2002 U.S. Mint Condition Commemorative Stamp Year Set
United States #3552/3695. 2002 Commemorative mint year set includes, 3552-60, 3650-56, 3659-74, 3676-79, 3692, 3695. 38 varieties, mint NH. *Souvenir sheets, regular issues, and booklet singles are not included.
2003 U.S. Mint Condition Commemorative Stamp Year Set
United States Scott #3746/3824. 2003 Commemorative mint year set includes, 3746-48, 3771, 3773-74, 3781-82, 3786-91, 3803, 3808-18, 3821-24. 30 varieties, mint NH. *Souvenir sheets, regular issues, and booklet singles are not included.
2004 U.S. Mint Condition Commemorative Stamp Year Set
United States #3832/3886. 2004 commemorative mint year set includes, 3832, 3834-35, 3837-43, 3854, 3857-63, 3865-71, 3876-77, 3880-86. 34 varieties, mint NH. *Souvenir sheets, regular issues, and booklet singles are not included.
2005 U.S. Mint Condition Commemorative Stamp Year Set
United States #3896/3964. 2005 Commemorative mint year set includes, 3896-97, 3904-09, 3911-25, 3930, 3936, 3938-43, 3945-52, 3961-64. 43 varieties, mint NH. *Souvenir sheets, regular issues, and booklet singles are not included.
2006 U.S. Mint Condition Commemorative Stamp Year Set
United States #3987/4119. 2006 Commemorative mint year set includes, 3987-96, 4020, 4021-28, 4030-32, 4073, 4077-83, 4085-88, 4101-04, 4117-19. 41 varieties, mint NH. *Souvenir sheets, regular issues, and booklet singles are not included.
2007 U.S. Mint Condition Commemorative Stamp Year Set
United States #4120/4220. 2007 Commemorative mint year set includes, 4120, 4121, 4124, 4136, 4146-50, 4160-63, 4192-97, 4199-4205, 4207-10, 4219, 4220. 32 varieties, mint NH. *Souvenir sheets, regular issues, and booklet singles are not included.
2008 U.S. Mint Condition Commemorative Stamp Year Set
United States #4221/4343. 2008 Commemorative mint year set includes, 4221-27, 4248-52, 4265, 4266, 4334, 4335, 4336-45, 4349-51, 4353-57, 4358, 4372, 4373. 37 varieties, mint NH. *Souvenir sheets, regular issues, and booklet singles are not...
2009 U.S. Mint Condition Commemorative Stamp Year Set
United States #4374/4434. 2009 Commemorative mint year set includes, 4374-77, 4380-83, 4386, 4406, 4407, 4408, 4409-13, 4415, 4416, 4417-20, 4421, 4433, 4434. 26 varieties, mint NH. *Souvenir sheets, regular issues, and booklet singles are not included.
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