1918 24¢ Biplane Carmine Rose & Blue Fine Mint OG
United States Air Post #C3. Fine single with full original gum, hinged.
1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary Issue, Mint Fine NH
United States #548 - 550. Complete set of three, of the 1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary. All are fine centering with full original gum, never hinged. Retail: $72.00
1923-29 Rotary Press Coils Fine Mint
United States #597/606. Complete set of the 1923-29 Rotary Press coils. All fine or better centering with original gum, never hinged. Less the 599A, which can be purchased separately. 10 varieties.
1924 Huguenot-Walloon Issue, Mint NH
United States #614-16. 1924 Huguenot-Walloon Issue, complete set of 3. Fine, never hinged.
1925 Lexington-Concord Issue, Mint, Never Hinged
United States #617-19. 150th Anniv. of the Battle of Lexington-Concord, complete set of 3. Fine, never hinged.
1925 Norse American Issue, Mint
United States #620-21. Norse American, set of 2. Fine original gum, never hinged.
Sold Out
1925-26 Flat Plate Printing Perf. 11, Mint
U.S. Scott #622-23. Flat Plate Printing Issue, perf. 11, set of 2. VF, hinged.
1926 White Plains Souvenir Sheet FVF NH
United States #630. White Plains Souvenir Sheet in mint NEVER HINGED condition. A must for your collection! Sheets may vary.
1926-27 Air Post Map & Planes Mint Set
United States Air Post #C7-9. FVF mint set of the 1926-27 U.S. Map and Planes. 3 varieties, never hinged.
1926-28 1c-10c Perforated 11 X 10.5 Set Mint NH
United States #632/42. Complete set of 11 varieties all mint never hinged condition.
1927 10¢ Lindbergh Tribute Issue Fine Mint OG
United States Air Post #C10. Fine mint single with full original gum, hinged.
1928 2c & 5c Aeronautics Pair Mint OG
United States #649-50. Set of two, fine centering with original gum, hinged.