1914 2¢ Washington Carmine Imperf, Type I, Mint NH Cert
United States #459. Very fresh example of the 1914 Imperf coil, type I. VF with original gum, never hinged. It will arrive with a photocopy of the PF cert of the pair it was taken from. Very nice stamp!
1914-15 Washington-Franklins, Perf. 10, SLWM, Fine OG Set
United States #424-40. Colorful complete set of the 1914-15 USPS single line watermark(SLWM), Perf. 10, Washington-Franklins. Fine to better centering. All with full orginal gum, hinged. Awesome set ready to add to your collection!
1917 $5 Marshall, Perf 10, VF Mint, Plate Number, Cert. #480
United States #480. Awesome plate number margin example. VF centering and full original gum, never hinged! PSAG certificate.
1917 5¢ Washington Rose ERROR Flat Plate Printing, VF OG Cert.
United States #505. VF example of the 1917 ROSE error. Mint single with full original gum, light hinged, appears NH. Accompanied by a PF certificate, GENUINE, previously hinged.
1918 $5 Franklin Deep Green & Black, Mint Never Hinged
United States #524. Fresh mint single with full original gum, never hinged! FVF centering. *Stamp received may vary from image. Retail $300.00
1919 3¢ Victory Issue, Mint Never Hinged
United States #537. Fine mint single with original gum, never hinged. Stamp received may vary from image.
1920 $2 Franklin Carmine & Black Mint NH
United States #547. Fresh mint example with full original gum, never hinged! Bold carmine color and crisp.
1922-25 1/2¢-$5 Flat Plate Printings, Mint, Never Hinged/OG
United States #551-73. Beautiful fresh complete set of the 1922-25 Flat Plate Printings. VF to FVF centering. All mint with full original gum, never hinged, except for a couple of them. The 573 is never hinged. Exceptional mint set. Certificates will be...
1923 $5 America Lady Liberty, Fine Mint OG
United States #573. Fine condition with full original gum, hinged.
1923 24c Carmine Biplane Fine Mint OG
United States Air Post#C6. Fine single with full original gum, hinged.
1923 2¢ Harding Memorial, Imperf, Mint Never Hinged
United States #611. VF mint single with original gum, never hinged. Stamp received may vary from image.
Sold Out
1923 2¢ Harding Memorial, Perf 10 Rotary Press, Mint Never Hinged
United States #612. Fine mint single with full original gum, never hinged. Stamp received may vary from image shown.
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