United States #3210. Trans-Mississippi Centennial, cattle in storm sheet of 9, mint never hinged.
1998 $1 Trans-Miss Cattle in Storm Sheet
- UPC:
- Description
United States #3210. Trans-Mississippi Centennial, cattle in storm sheet of 9, mint never hinged.

1998 1¢-$2 Trans-Miss Centennial Sheet
United States #3209. Trans-Mississippi Centennial sheet of 9, mint never hinged.

1973 8¢ Angus Cattle Mint Single
United States #1504 8¢ Angus Cattle Mint Single

1973 8¢ Angus Cattle Plate Block
United States #1504 8¢ Angus Cattle Plate Block

1968 $1 Airlift to Servicemen Mint Sheet
United States #1341 $1 Airlift to Servicemen Mint Sheet of 50 *Plate number and position may vary.

2000 $1 Exploring the Solar System Souvenir Sheet
United States #3410. Exploring the solar system souvenir sheet of 5, mint never hinged.

PALAU #877 $1 Mushrooms - Miniature Sheet of 4
PALAU #877 $1 Mushrooms - Miniature Sheet of 4 *Plate number and position may vary from image shown. Item will be received in mint, never hinged condition.

1991 $1 USPS Olympic Rings Mint Sheet
United States #2539 $1 USPS Olympic Rings Mint Sheet of 20 *Plate number and position may vary from image shown.

2002 37¢ Hawaiian Missionary Stamps Sheet
United States #3694. Hawaiian Missionary stamps sheet, mint never hinged.